Sex work may be work, but in Indiana, prostitution and escorting are illegal activities. It is illegal to solicit or to perform the acts and the police will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. An arrest on this basis can have long-term repercussions. You may be unable to get a job, enter school or fulfill other goals. If you solicit prostitution, you may be separated from your family or children. You need to get legal help fast, someone who may be able to get the charges reduced or dismissed so that you do not face that kind of uncertain future. You need to contact us at Greg Spencer Law for help.

Greg Spencer is a former prosecutor with years of experience in the criminal defense practice area. He offers free consultations and is discrete and confidential on these kinds of issues in the law. You can get judgment free help from our team at the firm. We care about you getting a fair and just result when we take your case and nothing else.

If you are in Indianapolis or the surrounding area and you are charged with solicitation, prostitution or other sex-related charges, contact us for help.

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