The decriminalization of possessing marijuana is happening across the country, including states adjacent to Indiana. However, in Indiana, it remains illegal to possess or sell marijuana. Police will arrest you for possessing even a small amount, and depending on how much you have, they could charge you with possessing to sell or distribute, putting you in even greater jeopardy. When faced with possession charges, it is important to have competent and experienced legal representation. At Greg Spencer Law, you will find such representation.
Greg Spencer spent time working with the Marion County prosecutor’s office in their narcotics division. He knows how they operate, what they are looking for and how they will react. He knows when to press for dismissal, when to seek a reduced charge, or when to go to court to do battle. You cannot buy that kind of experience, even at a high-priced firm.
If you are in the Indianapolis area and you have been charged with possession of marijuana, your first move should be to contact us at Greg Spencer Law. We offer free and confidential consultations regarding criminal cases.
50 E 91st Street
Ste 102
Indianapolis, IN 46240