It is still illegal to possess marijuana in the State of Indiana. Possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana is a Class B Misdemeanor per IC-35-48-4-11 punishable by not more than 180 days and a possible fine of not more than $1,000. Marijuana, including hash and hash oil under the Indiana Criminal Code is listed as a Schedule I drug.
Possession of at least 30 grams of marijuana with a prior conviction may be a Level 6 Felony punishable by 6 months-2 and a half years of imprisonment.
The sale to a minor may be charged as a Level 5 Felony punishable by 1-6 years imprisonment and a maximum of $10,000 fine.
If you or your loved one is facing charges of Marijuana possession or marijuana possession with intent to sell consider calling or texting experienced marijuana defense attorney Greg Spencer at (317)-918-5982 for on the spot pricing and a free consultation.
50 E 91st Street
Ste 102
Indianapolis, IN 46240